¿How to cancel a withdrawal request?

Now you can request the immediate cancellation of any withdrawal from your BetWarrior account that is pending processing!

⚠️IMPORTANT Currently, the option to cancel the withdrawal is only available through a computer or the web browser version on your mobile.

→To cancel a withdrawal, open your account menu located in the upper right corner of the screen and click on the "Balance" button to access the payments area → "Withdraw".

In the upper part you will see your withdrawal(s) as Pending Withdrawals . To see the details of the request (payment method, request date and amount), you can click on "Show details".

→To cancel a single withdrawal, simply click on the "Cancel" button located next to the withdrawal amount.

‼️ If you have more than one withdrawal in the queue you can cancel them all at once by clicking on the "Cancel all" button

‼️ The funds will be credited immediately to your account balance and you can see the cancellation and crediting of the funds recorded in your account history.

For more information, please contact our Customer Care team or send an email to help@betwarrior.bet